Instrument Sales - Handmade instruments and vintage violins I have collected since 1980.
Custom Made Violins - A violin (conventional or pochette) made to the customer specifications. The customer chooses the model (Strad or Guarneri), wood type/pattern, scroll design, finish and wording on the label. An heirloom for you or a family member to use and then pass down through the generations.
Apprenticeships - I offer nine month apprenticeships in Violin Making for Central Kentucky residents who have some woodworking and/or stringed instrument playing experience . These hands-on apprenticeships run from July - December with the construction of the new student violin completed by mid December. This allows the apprentice to play the new instrument in the white and make final adjustments on the neck, saddle and set up. April through June is dedicated to final cosmetic refinements, sealing, coloring/varnishing and final set up. The slides below outline the various steps in the apprenticeship process.
The greatest accomplishment for an artist is to create another artist