Vintage Instruments

Collin - Mezin Violin - $1,650   Label = C. N. Collin-Mezin made in Paris.  Double purfling with very attractive outer edge of inlaid purfling and decorated tailpiece. 

1971 Strad (1714) Model Ernst Heinrich Roth Violin - $2,500   Label = Made in Bubenreuth - Erlanger West Germany.  Also stamped with trade name, City and number (B1 2393)

Hopf Violin - $1,200   Label = No label.  This instrument is one of the oldest in my collection.  It has a short scale length and many repairs over its lifetime to the back, pegbox and neck set.  Unique sound and very responsive with inlaid and carved pegs and inlaid "F" in the tailpiece.

Jacobus Kolditz Double Purfling Violin with Decorated Back - $1,200   Label = Jacobus Kolditz, Rumbur gia 1734

Georges Chanot 1851 - $3,500    Label #1 = Georges Chanot Paris 1851   Label #2 = Adjustments Checked by Henry Schulz Photo Electronic Process Louisville, KY  August 20, 1940.  Bridge is stamped Warren & Son.  Exquisite workmanship and beautiful sound.  Formally appraised at $5,000 in 2002.  Fine quality German silver bow available for purchase with this violin.  Former owner was from Indianapolis, Indiana and was a member of the local orchestra.  

German made Viola - $2,000   Label 1 = Joseph Guarneri Cremona   Anno 1777  Label 2 = Repaired by Adolf Spicker Cincinnati, Ohio.  Mr Spicker was a well known Luthier and violin shop keeper in his time.  He passed away at the age of 60 in 1928.

Antique Trade Violin $900 - Label = Strad Copy.  All the cosmetic antiquing is from the maker.  This a great example of a "Made to Look Old" European violin.  No structural problems or repairs and it plays great.

Antique Violin $2,000 - Label = Old repair label from 1902.  Probably Made in Germany with unique one-piece back (great maple wood pattern) and scroll design.   Modern restoration made by Lonnie Miller from California, KY in 1992